How a man on the Spectrum learns to live

Posts tagged ‘Patriot Day’

Twelve Years Later…Hope Lives On

May we all be grateful for our country.

May we all be grateful for our country.

"Every day is a new chance at living."

“Every day is a new chance at living.”

Hi, everyone. On this, the twelfth anniversary of the terrible event that was September 11th, I am taking the opportunity to post a special message: I am grateful to be alive, in good health, living in America, and having the support and encouragement to pursue my dream of being a voice for people on the Autism Spectrum. No matter what happens along the way and no matter what acts of cruelty and hatred are perpetrated against me or anybody else, I will always have hope that we as a human race can be better than we ever thought possible. May we learn and grow because of adversity, rather than in spite of it. America will always be strong this way, and so will humanity. As a good friend of mine once said, “be of good courage”.